North America

North America is as naturally diverse as it is enormous and while we haven’t spent much time travelling in our home country or our neighbours to the south, we will one day plan an epic road trip around the region. For now, we have some articles about our recent trips to North America and some tips and information for you as well. Enjoy!

North America Travel

Hot Tamales

Hot Tamales! Learning to Cook in the Ground…The Maya Way

During our stay at Casa Hamaca, the owner Denis kept mentioning the use of the pibil (pib) and we immediately signed up for a day of learning all about this ancient Maya earth oven. The plan was to go with Denis to the market and pick up all of the ingredients for Tamales, a classic Maya ...
Momentos Sagrados Mayas

Exploring Mayan Culture Through Outdoor Theater & Dance

When we planned our trip to Valladolid, we didn’t really have a set idea about what we wanted to see and do. The only thing we knew for sure was that we wanted to help promote tourism in Valladolid and further explore the Maya culture. When we arrived at Casa Hamaca Guesthouse, we saw a ...

Valladolid: a Colonial City at the Crossroads of Culture

Have you ever heard of Valladolid? Most likely, the answer is “no”. It seems that people visiting the Yucatán are blinded by the pure white sand and turquoise waters, leaving this fantastic colonial city overlooked. It’s time everyone traded in just a couple of days of laying on the beach for a real cultural treat! …and that’s ...
Catch of the Day

A Trip to the Docks in Isla Holbox: Looking For the Catch of the Day

If there’s one thing everyone should try to do when staying near the beach, it’s to search for the local fishermen bringing in the catch of the day! We’ve done this in a few countries now and we decided to try it again during our stay on Holbox Island in Mexico.. and we’re really glad ...
Isla Holbox

Isla Holbox: Discovering The Laid Back Vibe Of Mexico

When our ferry docked on the low-key, laid back island of Holbox, it was almost like we were greeted with a tranquilizer gun. We felt the relaxed vibe wash over us and the entire pace of our travels slow as we lazily sauntered off of the 100 seater boat. We soon realized why this is ...
Us enjoying our Mexico holidays!

Hola Mexico! We Have Arrived!

Despite being in Canada for nearly six weeks, our departure seemed to creep up on us and suddenly we were saying our teary goodbyes to friends and family and before we knew it we were at the airport waiting for our flight to Cancun, which is one of the best places to visit in Mexico. ...