Southern Asia

Here you will find all of our posts from Southeast Asia and the Subcontinent. We’ve spent over 3 years in total travelling this region and consider ourselves to be Asia experts! It’s probably our favourite continent to travel (so far) and we can’t wait to return. For individual countries and other continents, refer to Our Destinations Page.

Asia Globe

Dar Es Salaam to Kathmandu - A Slight Change Of Plans

Dar Es Salaam to Kathmandu – A Slight Change Of Plans

We had one more day in Dar Es Salaam before flying out (very convolutedly) to Nepal. Even though we had this flight booked 6 months in advance, we still managed to royally screw it up. We were to fly from Dar Es Salaam to Johannesburg to Mumbai to Delhi to Kathmandu, 28 hours of flying. ...
our first backpacking trip to southeast asia

Our First Backpacking Trip – Where It All Began!

Our travel life began long before Goats On The Road was born, and because of that, we don’t really have any stories from our First Trip. We constantly refer to “our first trip” or “when we first started travelling” on this site, but where did we go? What did we do? When did we do ...