Blog SEO, Marketing & Growth
The single most important aspect of taking a hobby blog and turning it into an income-earning machine is SEO. In this section, you’ll find all of our articles about how you can get more traffic on your blog, grow your audience and build an online empire. Using some key strategies, you can grow your blog from 1,000 users per month to 500,000.
5 Simple SEO Tips To Quickly Increase Your Blog Traffic
Typically, there’s one main reason that bloggers don’t succeed. They write great content, they take amazing photos, but still… their traffic stays the same or simply goes up so slowly that it would take decades to actually have a successful blog. The key mistake that they’re making is not utilizing proper white-hat SEO strategies on their ...
How To Explode Your Website Traffic With Simple (But Effective) SEO
In 2018 we were able to nearly triple the traffic to this website and more than double our income using simple but effective SEO. This has had an enormous impact on our business, how far we can spread our message, and (thanks to the added cash in the bank) our lifestyle. But SEO didn’t always ...
Best Pinterest Group Boards for Travel Bloggers
In this post we are going to be discussing what Pinterest group boards actually are, why they are awesome for getting your content out there and how to join them. Oh, and we’re also sharing our top 50 Pinterest Group Boards for Travel Bloggers so you can just click-through the links and get joining! What ...
Top 5 Most Important Investments For a Growing Blog
If you’ve started your blog using our step-by-step guide and received our eBook, then you’ll already know how important investing money back into a growing online business can be. If you’re wanting to learn how to start a travel blog, or you’ve already started one yourself, then this post will still be extremely helpful for ...
Boost Your Blog Traffic With This 6 Day Success Schedule
So you finally decided to start a blog and you’ve been working your butt of trying to get it going. It’s not easy is it? You’ve probably got 100 things running through your brain and it’s hard to keep it all in order. We felt the exact same way when we started this blog. It took us ...
Explode Your Social Following Numbers With This 6-Day Success Schedule
We write a lot about how to grow a successful blog so that you can earn money online and pay for endless travel and adventure, but we have rarely covered social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest & YouTube are just as important as your blog traffic and pretty much every successful blogger will also have ...