So we’ve been blogging now for nearly 3 years, and we’ve had the same logo for the majority of that time. Why has nobody ever told us that our logo was actually two sheep and not two goats?
Sure, you may be saying: “It’s your site, if you call yourselves goats then you should know what goats look like”.
Well we DIDN’T KNOW!

According to (yes that site exists):
“Goat horns are more narrow, upright, and less curved than sheep horns. Sheep tend to curl their horns in loops on the sides of their heads.”
“The easiest way to tell the difference between a sheep and goat is to look at their tails. A goat’s tail goes up”Our Current Logo:
As you can see by the picture above we are clearly “Sheep On The Road”.
We have a loyal following and we are very grateful for that. We have quite a few people reading this site every month and we’ve had a fair amount of comments, but not one person has told us that we’re sheep!
It’s okay guys…
We’re not mad at our readers. Looking at these images, we can see where we all went wrong. These animals are similar. Maybe all of the people who read this blog actually know as little about the goat species as we do!
So how did we realize that we’re sheep?
Well, finally, after 5 years on the road, our Israeli German friend who we met in Mongolia, explained to us the difference between goats and sheep. His name is Merlin, and it is because of him, and his vast knowledge of all things goat, that you see the new logo below. Designing goats isn’t easy. In fact, these small changes took me a ridiculous amount of time.
As you can see, I painstakingly made their sheep horns into goat horns, gave them floppy ears and flipped their sheep tails upside down. We’ve also changed the font and our tagline to better suit our website. This will all be visible when we launch our professional redesign later this month!
That’s Right, The Goats Are Getting A Make-over!
We’re having the site completely revamped by the brilliant Scott Eldo at Eldo Web Design. He’s been amazing so far and we’re really liking the new look. Below is a sneak preview of the site so far. It’s bound to change a bit before we launch but we wanted to show you so we could hear your honest criticisms!
We Need Your Help! Please Answer These Questions In The Comments Below!
1. What do you actually think of the new Goats On The Road Logo? If you hate it and you want us to change our name to ‘Sheep On The Road’, please tell us!
2. Do you like the new design (colours, layout etc.)?
3. What things would you like to see in the new site? More posts on a certain topic? New pages?
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