United States of America
In this section, you’ll find all of our posts about the United States. Our team has traveled to just about every state and we have both Americans and travelers who have explored this vast country for over a decade in total. We share our stories, tips, and info for USA travel here!
Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Austin, Texas
It had been on my list for a while, but I just finished a fantastic month living in Austin, Texas. The state capital lived up to all my hopes and expectations and is a city I’ll return to as soon as possible. House sitting for the duration of my stay allowed me to fully get ...
10 Top Hotels Near Epic Universe Orlando
Orlando, Florida, is more than just a city; it’s a haven for amusement park enthusiasts. And the upcoming addition of Epic Universe to Universal Orlando Resort has certainly ramped up the thrill! Set to premiere in 2025, this enormous amusement park offers a world of fun and adventures. Take a look at our top 10 ...
10 Best Everglades Airboat Tours, Florida
Taking an airboat ride in the Everglades is an exciting and thrilling attraction that appeals to people of all ages. The Everglades, located in southern Florida, is a unique and diverse ecosystem that’s home to a wide variety of nature and wildlife. Exploring this vast wilderness via airboat allows visitors to get up close and ...
Best Packing List for Florida: 20 Must-Haves for the Perfect Trip
Writing your best packing list for Florida can be a headache if you’re unfamiliar with the weather in the area. Knowing what to pack and what to leave behind can be confusing. To help alleviate some of this uncertainty, it’s important to consider the climate and the activities you plan on engaging in during your ...
15 Pros and Cons of Living in Florida
Sunshine, beaches, and palm trees, or… traffic, alligators, and tourists? People have many views about the state of Florida. Of course, like any state, there are pros and cons of living in Florida, and after living here for a year (and visiting for over five), I want to share my insight. After growing up on ...
25 Best Things To Do in Florida (By a Local)
If there was ever a state with an endless list of fun activities and outings, it would be the Sunshine State. I’ve lived here for a year now, and I’ve barely touched the tip of the iceberg of things to do in Florida. Every city in this state has something unique and interesting to offer. ...