Southern Asia

Here you will find all of our posts from Southeast Asia and the Subcontinent. We’ve spent over 3 years in total travelling this region and consider ourselves to be Asia experts! It’s probably our favourite continent to travel (so far) and we can’t wait to return. For individual countries and other continents, refer to Our Destinations Page.

Asia Globe

travel to bangkok thailand drinks at moon bar

Our Week in Bangkok – A Haven For Digital Nomads

For us, Bangkok has always felt somewhat like a second home. It’s a place we know very well and have returned to six times during our travels. Every time we land there a wave of nostalgia comes over us as we remember backpacking Thailand in 2008, which was the start of our travelling lifestyle. We ...
digital nomad guide to koh samui thailand

Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Koh Samui, Thailand

There are a few things that we look for when choosing a Digital Nomad destination – good accommodation options, a variety of restaurants, excellent wi-fi, lots of entertainment, and an overall fun vibe. If you’re looking for a place to spend a few weeks or months as a Digital Nomad, Koh Samui Thailand may be the ...
PPUR Beach - Sabang - 10 of the best Philippines Beaches

Top 10 Philippines Beaches: A List of The Best

Philippines beaches are amongst some of the most beautiful in the world, yet not all of them get the attention they deserve. The Philippines seems to have it all. The country offers such a wide range of attractions and activities that it appeals to beach-goers, cultural enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alike. The Philippines beaches are perhaps ...
must try thai food

Top 10 Foods To Try in Thailand

Thailand was once considered just a backpacker’s paradise, but the smiling locals, glittering temples, and golden beaches of this diverse destination have become a siren’s song for all types of travelers. Online travel agent, TravelOnline, says Thailand is one of its best-selling holiday destinations and it’s easy to see why. There are so many places ...
best palawan resorts in the philippines

Best Palawan Resorts in The Philippines

Trying to figure out which Palawan resorts are the best? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! In this article I’m going to list the best Palawan resorts, sorted by town and price. There are so many to choose from and this article is going to list the best, most highly rated resorts. Palawan is one ...

Accommodation Spotlight: Belmond Napasai Koh Samui

Tens of millions of visitors come from all over the world each year to get a taste of the exotic delights that Thailand has to offer. It’s famous for its thousands of magnificent temples, fascinating ancient ruins, inviting tropical climate and friendly and welcoming culture which led to it being nicknamed “The Land of Smiles”. ...