
Here you’ll find all of our posts about visas for digital nomads. With digital nomad visas, you can live in different countries around the world for longer than the typical 30-day to 90-day stay. If you work from home, are a freelancer, or a remote worker of any kind, you should be able to apply for a digital nomad visa without issue.

countries with digital nomad visas

40 Easy Digital Nomad Visas in 2023 (for Remote Workers)

Check out our new Digital Nomad Visa Calculator Tool! Enter your salary in the tool below and find out which digital nomad visas you can apply for based on your earnings. As digital nomads, we’re fortunate to have the option to live and work around the world from our laptops. But, due to immigration rules, ...
working holiday in korea

Working Holiday in Korea: The Complete Guide to Obtaining a Visa

In this post, I’ll explain everything you need to know about obtaining a working holiday visa in Korea.  From mouth-watering BBQ dishes to jaw-dropping scenery and landscapes, South Korea is an ideal destination for travelers of all ages. Whether you’re soaking in the neon city lights of Seoul or hiking the snow-capped peaks of the ...
guide to schengen visa countries

How To Visit The Schengen Visa Countries: The Complete Guide

Before you plan your next trip to Europe, it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the Schengen visa countries. Many travellers don’t fully understand what the Schengen area is, or if they need a visa to visit one of the participating countries. Without familiarizing yourself with the Schengen area, you might be putting your ...
how to get a working holiday visa in germany

How To Get A Working Holiday Visa in Germany

On a working holiday visa in Germany, you’ll have the opportunity to explore one of the most fascinating countries in Europe, while also making some money to help fund your trip. If you’re a young traveler who wants to explore new countries and cultures, the working holiday program is an excellent option for you! With ...
working holiday visa in japan

How To Get a Working Holiday Visa in Japan

There’s really no country in the world quite like Japan. Centuries of ancient history is beautifully juxtaposed against the neon lights and futuristic technologies of modern-day life. In reality, you can visit Japan dozens of times and barely scratch the surface of what this diverse country has to offer. That’s why obtaining a working holiday ...
how to get a tier 5 visa for the uk

UK Working Holiday Visa: A Guide To The Tier 5 Visa

If you’re interested in travelling to Europe, then a working holiday in the UK is a great option. Not only can you spend time exploring England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, but you can also make some extra money at the same time. How would you like to spend the weekend scaling the fortress walls ...
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