Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Looking Back On 2020: A Year We Won’t Forget

I realize that 2020 is a year that many people don’t want to talk about or remember, let alone, write an article about. But, Nick and I always enjoy sharing our round-up of the year with you — it’s a matter of tradition! Each year has a vibe or a feeling. This year can be ...

5 Steps We Took to Reach Location Independence (+Tips For You)

In this article, I’m going to share the 5 steps we personally took to go from budget backpackers with no jobs, to fully location independent business owners — while learning a variety of useful skills along the way. It’s been 8 years since we became location independent, and we’re incredibly grateful that we took the ...
van travel portugal

Trip Announcement! Exploring Portugal by Campervan

I can’t believe I’m actually writing a post about an upcoming trip! Lately, our updates have been all about quarantine and lockdown, but a lot can happen in just a couple of months.  We’ve been in Portugal since February 22nd and while we were able to travel around Lisbon and see and do a lot ...

One Month in Lockdown: Update From Portugal

We’ve now officially been in a State of Emergency for a month here in Portugal (although, we self-isolated a couple of weeks before that). And, while the world has been completely flipped on its head, we’ve somehow found our footing and a sense of calm during the chaos.  Currently, most of the world is at ...
Places To Travel When The World Re-Opens

10 Dream Destinations to Visit After Lockdown

Right now is a pretty difficult time in the world. If you’re like us, you’ve been sitting in self-isolation for a month by this point and besides trying to fill your time with online work, Netflix, working out and Skyping with friends and family, you’re probably dreaming of travel. I know we are. That’s why ...
portugal flight

Life During Coronavirus: An Update From Self-Isolation in Portugal

This isn’t the sort of update post I was planning to write at this point in our Europe trip. Since leaving Grenada in January, we had an incredible time travelling through some of Europe’s top romantic cities — Paris, Barcelona, Rome and Lisbon.  Dining out at tasty restaurants, sipping on wine at funky bars, wandering ...