Digital Nomad Lifestyle

A Digital Nomad is someone who leverages technology in order to work remotely and live a nomadic lifestyle. This is the ultimate way to be location-independent! Here we share our expert advice for “digi noms”. You’ll find articles about the costs of living abroad, guides to various countries that are suitable for digital nomads, and must- have items for this lifestyle.

looking back on 2013

Looking Back on 2013 – A Year of Firsts

The year 2013 has come to an end! We’ve been reflecting on all that we did, the people we met, the food we sampled and the countries we experienced…all in 365 days. It was a very adventurous year! I like to call it “The Year of Firsts”. 2013 started off with a hangover in China. ...
Travelling to Central Asia: Pressures Of The Planning Process

Blogging Off The Beaten Path: The Pros & The Cons

Before starting this epic trip through Central Asia, we knew that there were going to be some downsides to travelling in such an untouristed part of the world. Sure, at times it’s been hard working out visas, breaching the language barrier and dealing with border guards, but the biggest problem we’ve had is keeping the ...
Living In China: Quirks Of The Culture

Living In China: Quirks Of The Culture

Living abroad is totally different from just travelling through a country. We’ve been able to really get to know about the Chinese way of life, customs and culture. It’s amazing how much we’ve learned from living here, apparently, we didn’t know anything when we travelled here for a month! We thought it was time to ...
Looking Back On 2012 - A Very Memorable Year!

Looking Back On 2012 – A Very Memorable Year!

Only 3 days until Christmas? What? It can’t be! There’s no way that this year is almost over…where did the 12 months go? Was it not just yesterday that we were cleansing our bodies and minds at an Ashram in India? Weren’t we just celebrating Christmas with chai tea and Domino’s Pizza in Jaipur? Oh ...