Digital Nomad Lifestyle
A Digital Nomad is someone who leverages technology in order to work remotely and live a nomadic lifestyle. This is the ultimate way to be location-independent! Here we share our expert advice for “digi noms”. You’ll find articles about the costs of living abroad, guides to various countries that are suitable for digital nomads, and must- have items for this lifestyle.
How To Get A Working Holiday Visa in Australia
This is a guest post from the well-travelled Anna of Global Gallivanting. She travels the world on a budget, and found a unique way to earn money for travel by working in Australia! Read on to learn how you too can get a working holiday visa in Australia, how much you can earn, and where ...
Online Spanish Classes – We’re Finally Learning a Second Language!
“You’ve travelled the world for 5 years, you must speak at least two languages, right?” “You guys lived in China, you must be able to speak quite a bit of Mandarin.” “You’re from Canada, so you obviously speak French and English.” People often assume that just because we’ve travelled a lot and lived in a ...
Essential Time-Saving Upgrades Every Digital Nomad Should Consider
If you work from your computer, or from your devices, or even if you’re just on them a lot, then you should remind yourself of just how valuable your time is. For every minute you wait for that pesky color wheel or hour-glass, you could be out enjoying the world! For years I was using ...
The Cost of Living on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
As digital nomads, we’re constantly browsing the web in search of somewhere to live, unpack and put down some temporary roots. We do our research and try to source out costs and amenities before moving, but rarely do we find exact costs of basic, every day items. Surely, these are the things that people want ...