Digital Nomad Lifestyle

A Digital Nomad is someone who leverages technology in order to work remotely and live a nomadic lifestyle. This is the ultimate way to be location-independent! Here we share our expert advice for “digi noms”. You’ll find articles about the costs of living abroad, guides to various countries that are suitable for digital nomads, and must- have items for this lifestyle.

Living in Malta - An Introduction to Our Temporary Home

Living in Malta – An Introduction to Our Temporary Home

We’ve been travelling the world for almost 8 years, but somehow we’re the worst at planning. We always leave everything until the last minute – whether it’s booking our accommodation, deciding on which city to go to next, or even which country we want to travel to! Even though it can be a bit stressful, ...
websites that pay digital nomads to work

Digital Nomad Decisions – Why Are We in Malta?

It’s been 3 months since we left the warmth of Barbados and the two adorable pooches that we were pet-sitting. During these past 3 months we’ve had incredible experiences and visited some very interesting countries – Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Italy. And if you’ve been following our journey since we announced our ...
Speaking at The World Tourism Forum in Istanbul

Speaking at The World Tourism Forum in Istanbul

In October, we received an invitation to speak at the World Tourism Forum. The formal invitation named Mr. Kofi Annan (the former UN Secretary General) as the main speaker, and in previous years the president of Sweden was a speaker, as were many other top executive officers and political figures. Obviously this email was spam, why would ...
Travelling to Lake Atitlán, Guatemala: A Guide to The Villages

Looking Back on 2015: A Year of Spontaneity

I love doing wrap-up posts, as it gives me a chance to think back and reflect on all that we’ve accomplished and experienced over the past year. There are many words I could use to describe 2015, but the one that seems most fitting is: Spontaneous. This was a year of random, go with the ...
Our Location Independent Lifestyle: What Does It Cost?

Our Location Independent Lifestyle: What Does It Cost?

Before going into detail about how much our lifestyle costs us each month, it’s probably a good idea to talk about what being location independent actually means! This is a term that we first heard about a couple of years ago, and is one that we think fits our lifestyle perfectly. Here’s how Wikipedia describes ...
Our Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Answering Your Money Questions

Our Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Answering Your Money Questions

As Nick and I continue with our digitally nomadic lifestyle, we’re often asked questions by you, our readers. We receive countless emails, Facebook comments and article comments about how we currently make money on the road, how we’re able to live in paradise and how we saved enough money to go on our first trips abroad…which ...