Our five month trip through Mongolia, Russia, Central Asia and Iran is over. And, as always, we’re having mixed feelings about the end of our journey. On one hand, we’re excited to go home and visit family and friends, but on the other hand, we’re both sad that it’s “over”.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
As you know, we began searching for jobs House Sitting around the world and we have some good news. We’ve found the PERFECT job on a beautiful Caribbean Island that will start in April!! (stay tuned for more). But there’s still the space between January and April left open.
Know This Beach? It’s Where We’ll Be In April. Venture A Guess In The Comments Below!
We were recently contacted by another home owner who asked us to sit from January until April in the Yucatan Peninsula. Unfortunately, the dates were off by just a couple of days so it just didn’t work. We’ve learned not to worry too much about our future because if we go with the flow, then everything always works out. But we’re wondering where we will be for the first part of the new year and we’re getting a bit anxious to have something “lined up”.
Part of the excitement of our life is always having something new on the horizon and the expansion of the website and living in the Caribbean are perfect for that. But we have these few months to fill at the start of 2014 and we wonder what will come up.
We’re strongly considering just flying down to Cancun and renting an apartment / travelling around the Yucatan for 2 and a half months before flying to our special island further south. This may just sound like another trip, but to us, it’s a whole new type of travel and location independent living.
“Nothing can be compared to the new life that the discovery of another country provides for a thoughtful person. Although I am still the same I believe to have changed to the bones.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Italian Journey
When we first started travelling in 2008, we took a GIANT leap by selling our home and our car and taking off for a year.
Then, after returning to Canada in 2009 and working for a year, we took off on another incredible journey which was unique in that it had no defined end date (in the end, it was 16 months).
After that trip, yet another life changing event happened when we were offered a job teaching English in China for a year.
By the time we were finished in China, we had started taking the website seriously and our current trip was another big transition in our lives as it was the first time we were travelling as “professional” travel bloggers.
And now, there is another revolution in our lifestyle as we will be living and travelling abroad, while trying to live completely off of the earnings from our blog.
While this new lifestyle idea is exciting, it comes with its own set of challenges. We’ve learned from this trip that it’s not always easy travelling and trying to keep up with this site. Goats On The Road takes up a considerable amount of our time, and while we love it completely, it is a little bit scary to think that it will be our only source of income for the foreseeable future.
Even though we have a financial cushion and there isn’t too much risk in this new endeavour, it’s still an intimidating change. Our plan is to attempt to live off of very little by utilizing House Sitting, low-cost rent, cheap flights and travel points. This is a new world of financially sustainable travel. We’re excited to experiment with the different ways of travelling for free and sharing it with our readers!
So what’s next? A lifestyle experiment in action. We will be trying to travel and live completely location independent, while sustaining our travels on very little by utilizing the resources we know, and researching new ones we’ve yet to understand.
Will we crash and burn and end up teaching English again? (not a bad thing) Or will we succeed and find new ways to travel for free? Stay Tuned!
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