How To Join Trusted House Sitters & Get Your First House Sitting Job

Nick Wharton Author Bio Picture

Trusted House Sitters is the #1 most used and trusted house sitting website online and we’ve personally used it to land amazing pet sitting jobs in Costa Rica, the UK, Grenada and Barbados. There are hundreds of new listings popping up every day and while you can view some of them, to see all of the new jobs and to be able to instantly contact the host and apply, you need to sign-up for the service.

The subscription only costs $119 / year currently, but we’ve talked to the team over at and they’ve agreed to give Goats On The Road readers a 10% discount! If $119 seems like a lot of money, keep in mind that you’ll be saving a ton of money on travel and accommodation costs. We calculate that the service has saved us over $20,000 USD in the 3 years we used it.


So in this post I’m going to explain the steps of signing up for Trusted House Sitters, getting our discount, creating a compelling profile that will get you noticed and landing your first pet sitting / house sitting job!

pet sitting and house sitting in grenada with trusted house sitters
Walking “Spare Dog” in Grenada during one of our pet sitting jobs

Why Trusted House Sitters?

We’ve looked at all of the major house sitting websites online today, and there’s a reason why more people choose to use It’s the easiest to navigate website with the biggest network of home owners and house sitters. Period. There are more house sits available on Trusted House Sitters than there are on all other house sitting websites online today. Their customer service is great and it’s easier to find a job in the location you want using their service.

Click Here to browse all available house sits now! If you choose to join, use code GOAT10 at checkout for 10% OFF all memberships.

Before we get started, there are quite a few questions that people have before signing up and that’s totally natural. I’m pretty certain that signing up for this website is literally going to change your life, but how? Where will you find jobs? Do you get paid? Are there always free cars to use that come with the house? I’ll answer these and many other questions below:

Will I get paid to house sit?
Typically no, but we have been paid in the past. When you create your profile, you can check a box that says “Paid Jobs” to state to home owners that you’ll only accept jobs that pay.
Where can I house sit?
There are jobs in over 140 countries, from beach houses in the Caribbean to castles in France and vineyards in Italy, you’ll find it all listed on the site. We stayed in one home in the Caribbean with a beautiful pool overlooking the sea, and another one in Costa Rica that was set right in the rain forest!
Does use of a car always come with the house sit?
We’ve always had a vehicle in all of the house sits we’ve done, but not all jobs include them. In our experience, almost every home owner on the site will allow you to use their car as long as you have a license. This is because, in case of an emergency, they’ll want you to be able to take their pet to the vet, pick up supplies at the hardware store etc. You can also add into your profile that you’re only going to accept jobs with a vehicle (recommended).
Can families house sit?
Absolutely. While some jobs will request a single person or a couple, many jobs will love to have a family around as well.
What are my chances of actually getting a job?
Many people believe that because this sounds like such a perfect dream job for house / pet sitters, that there would be many more sitters than available homes, but that’s not the case! There are only 1.5 house sitters to every home available on the site, so your chances of landing the perfect job are actually very good. There are more homes on than on all other house sitting websites combined.
Why should I bother signing up?
You can only get full access to the enormous house sitting network on the website if you sign up. We signed up over 3 years ago and it was one of the best decisions we ever made. We were able to enjoy free accommodation for nearly 2 full years in total and we stayed in some of the most beautiful homes we could imagine. House sitting completely changed our lives and we can’t recommend it enough.
house sitting and pet sitting in barbados
Pet-sitting and house sitting in Barbados was an amazing experience
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How To Sign-Up

Okay so you’re convinced… GOOD! Let’s get started with the process of signing up and getting our 10% special Goats On The Road discount. To get started just click the button below. This will bring you to the first step of signing up over at

After clicking that button you’ll be brought to a screen where you’ll be asked to enter your information and begin building your profile. You won’t be asked to pay until you’re done this process and the total with our discount will be $107.

house sitting websites

Simply enter in the information including your YEAR of birth (you don’t need your exact birthday here), and click “Create Account”.

After that you’ll be brought to the next screen where you can choose where you’re interested in pet sitting / house sitting. If you only want to pet sit domestically, then put in your home country, but if you want to house sit overseas I recommend clicking “Everywhere” because you never know what amazing homes may inspire you to visit a new country 😀 . When you’re done entering this info, click Save & Next.

Signing Up For The Best Websites For House Sitting

Now a new little box will appear above the Save & Next button that says “When would you like to sit?”. If you’re not sure, just click “Anytime” for now, or if you know you can also enter exact dates. When you’re done with this box, click “Save & Next” again.

house sitters wanted

Next the site will begin the basic parts of building your profile for you. It will ask you your sex, to write up a profile and add photos etc. At any time during this process, you can simply click “Skip to checkout” to complete the sign-up process. You can always create your profile later as well.

best house sitting

Next it will ask you if you’re male or female. Go ahead and tick a box and then enter your birthdate when prompted. You’ll then be prompted to enter in your town of residence. Start typing your city and then choose it from the drop down that appears. Click on your city and you’ll then be prompted to enter your occupation (this is all for the sake of your profile).

With each new thing you enter, you’ll be prompted to add more info. This is very useful information for homeowners so make sure you answer every question as accurately and descript as possible.

Next it will ask you if you’re house sitting as a single person or as a couple. Then if you have previous house sitting experience. If you say no, you’ll be brought to the next step, but if you say yes, it will prompt you to type in some details. Be very detailed here. Homeowners will be able to see this, so even if you’ve watched your relative’s dog for a few hours, add that in. Be honest and be thorough.

The site will then ask you what type of house sit you’re interested in – beach, urban, countryside or mountain. I recommend ticking all of these boxes because you never know what amazing places you’ll find.

The final question is if you’re house sitting with children. Click on an answer and then click the button that says “Save & Next”.

The next step is all about your previous experience with pets. Click the types of animals that you have experience with and be honest. You will likely get quite a few offers from homeowners, so you don’t want to clog your inbox with people wanting you to take care of their horses if you’ve never done so in the past.

Click the animal(s) that you’d be comfortable caring for and then click “Save and Next” again.

best pet sitting websites

Note: There is no opportunity to say “no pets” because most sits on the website includes taking care of an animal. But there are jobs available that are only house sits without pets and you can search for jobs with “no pets” after joining. If you don’t want to take care of any animals and you want it to state it in your profile, type “No Pets” under “other type”. Be aware that this will significantly limit your ability to find a job.

Next you’ll be prompted to enter in your profile write-up. This is all about you, your characteristics, your previous experiences and why you’re the best person for the job. The website says “Minimum 50 characters” but you should go all out here. The longer the better. Our profile is around 1,200 words and we’ve been told by countless home-owners that they love our profile write-up.

Signing up for house sitting

Now you’ll add the “heading” to your listing in the website. Your listing will show up amongst thousands of others so it’s important that you add important keywords to your headline so that you can stand out in the eyes of home owners as they scroll through the listings.

best title for profile in Trusted House Sitters website

After you’ve entered a catchy title, click “Save & Next” it will prompt you to enter an intro to your profile (again, be descriptive here) and then it will ask you why you want to house sit. As most jobs include animals, it’s a good idea to rave about how much you love cats and dogs here, or whatever animals you can care for, also that you love travel and if you have experience with travel, list it here.

When you hit Save & Next after the final questions, you’ll be prompted to add photos to your profile. Of course, it’s a great idea to add photos of you with animals. Cuddling animals, playing with animals, petting animals, anything with animals. Also photos of you travelling if you have them. Most homeowners want to know that you’ll be confident travelling to and living in another country.

Avoid adding photos of yourself partying or being to crazy for obvious reasons.

To add photos to the site, either drag and drop them from folders in your computer, or click Upload Photo(s) to browse for them on your computer and upload them. After each one is done loading, you should add a description to tell the home owner who is in the photos and where they were taken.

house sitting

After adding a few photos, you’ll also have the option to add a YouTube video. You don’t have to do this now, but I highly recommend you creating a video (with your phone or camera) and uploading it to YouTube. It will definitely help you get a job down the road.

After clicking “Save & Next” for the last time, you’ll be brought to the final stage of your profile creation. Here you can see what your profile will look like to homeowners. If there are any parts of the profile you’d like to edit or fix, you can click the pencil icon in that section to edit it.

Best house sitting profile

Once every thing looks the way you want it, you can click the button that says “Proceed To Checkout”.

On the checkout page, you need to add in your name, address and phone number and then click “Continue to secure payment”.

Then the secure payment section will open where you can enter your credit card information. Make sure to enter our 10% discount code GOATS10 into the discount code box and hit “Apply”.

Sign up for Trusted House Sitters discount
Price with Goats On The Road Discount: $107.10

After you pay you’ll see the confimation page and voila! You’ve joined the best house sitting website on the internet! You’ve already built your profile in the previous steps, but you can edit it and add to it at any time by signing in and clicking on your profile to edit it.

That’s it! Now you’ll start receiving emails with all of the new pet sits available. I recommend turning on your email notifications so that you know the moment you receive the email. The first people to reply to new house sitting listing are the most likely to get the jobs.

pet sitting and house sitting in grenada with trusted housesitters
View from one of our pet sitting / house sitting jobs in Grenada

To beef up your profile a little further down the road, make sure to create an intro video of yourself. It can simply be you sitting in a room and talking to your camera phone! It doesn’t have to be special, but it should show your personality.

You should also head into your local police station and get a police check printed out so that you can add it to your profile. It won’t cost you much and should take too long to retrieve, but it will help show homeowners that you’re not a thief…or worse.

If you have any further questions about getting the perfect house sitting job or about how to make sure you get hired, check out the posts below or send us an email 😀

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How To Land Your First Housesitting Job The Ultimate Guide to House Sitting
Nick Wharton Author Bio Picture

Written by

Nick Wharton

Nick is the co-founder, editor and author of Goats On The Road. He contributes to numerous other media sites regularly and shares his expert knowledge of travel, online entrepreneurship and blogging with the world whenever he can. He has been travelling and working abroad since 2008 and has more than 10 years of experience in online business, finance, travel and entrepreneurship.

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