Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york


Our Travels in Athens, Greece

  “Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux We arrived in Athens, Greece on May, 7th and when we arrived at our hotel we were amazed. After spending over a week in our hotel in Beirut full of plugged toilets, plumbing problems and pubic hair, we were ...
Lebanon Travel

Baalbeck & Qadisha Valley – Hiking, Ruins and Wine

Day 3 of the road trip was filled with walking….and more walking. We headed out early and drove up North to the Qadisha Valley, also known as the most beautiful spot in the whole country, in my respectful opinion! We drove up and up along windy, twisting roads enjoying the sights along the way. It ...
Lebanon Travel

Beirut & Around – Learning to Drive, Lebanese Style

Day one of the road trip we were headed to the nearby city of Byblos. We drove and drove and couldn’t see any signs for it…which isn’t so surprising as we would learn that Lebanon is poorly signed. Bernie, the co-pilot, consulted the map and figured we should’ve passed it by this point. All of ...

Our First Few Days in Beirut, Lebanon

From Jordan we boarded a flight bound for Lebanon. We had made the mistake of thinking that since Syria was having political issues that no one would be in Lebanon – the countries border one another and are usually seen together during a trip – however, we were wrong. What had happened was everyone was ...

Amman, Dead Sea, Wadi Mujib & Jerash – The Great Outdoors of Jordan

From Petra we made our way by local bus to the capital city of Amman. We based ourselves there for 6 days and did some planning and day trips to other cities. The hotel was amazing, run by an English woman, it was immaculate with a nice common area with free wi-fi and free breakfast. ...

Petra, Jordan: Another Wonder Of The World

We arrived in Aqaba, Jordan after a nice hour long ferry ride. We didn’t realize it was Easter holidays/Spring Break (we’ve lost all sense of time-all we knew is that it was April!) so it was very hard to find a room. The room the first night was good – comfy beds, clean white tiled ...