Goats On The Road Posts

Visiting Canada: Our Whirlwind Trip Home, and a Giveaway!

Back Home, But Thinking Ahead…

We returned home to Canada on December 5th and we’ve been travelling ever since! One day we’d like to return home and actually feel like home is a vacation from travelling, but this time, we’re travelling more at home than we were on the road! We have family all over western Canada and while it’s ...
favourite photos

5 Reasons Why You Won’t Travel (And How To Fix Them)

First of all, let’s clarify. These are excuses, not reasons. For some reason, people who love to travel still claim that they simply can’t. This article will outline the excuses for such claims and also explain why they are untrue. Almost anyone and everyone can do some sort of travelling (especially if you’re from a ...
Highlights Of Our Journey Through The Least Touristed Region On Earth

A 5 Month Round Up of Central Asia & Iran: Highlights Of Our Journey Through The Least Touristed Region On Earth

Wow, I can’t believe it’s over! Nearly 5 months of overland travel from China, through Mongolia, Russia, The Stans and Iran. What a trip! Even though we knew this journey would be intrepid, we could have never imagined just how adventurous it would be. We had some ups and some downs along the way, but ...
backpackers guide to a gobi desert tour in mongolia

In Photos: A Journey Through 2013

Photos play a huge part in our travel lives. It’s fantastic to be able to experience a country, culture, food and people and have those memories in our minds. It’s even more fantastic to have great photos of the things we see and do so we can look back on them whenever we choose. This ...
Brighton & London- Let's Stop In For A Pint

London Calling! Our 48 Hour Layover in This Famous City

Have you ever found yourself in the incredible city of London with just a couple of days to spare? We were there in 2011 and found ourselves back there again at the end of our trip through Mongolia, Central Asia and Iran. It was the last stop on our way home after a 5.5 month ...
looking back on 2013

Looking Back on 2013 – A Year of Firsts

The year 2013 has come to an end! We’ve been reflecting on all that we did, the people we met, the food we sampled and the countries we experienced…all in 365 days. It was a very adventurous year! I like to call it “The Year of Firsts”. 2013 started off with a hangover in China. ...