House Sitting
House Sitting is an excellent way to extend your travels and live like a local. These posts will help you to get started with house sitting and show you how to better utilize this awesome service. Finding free accommodation with Trusted House Sitters is easy. There are literally hundreds of opportunities sent you your inbox every month! Seems too good to be true? It’s not. House sitting changed our lives and it can help you stay in beautiful homes, while caring for loving pets, for free.

How To Become a Pet Sitter in 2023 (5 Simple Steps)
Learn how to become a pet sitter in this article. Enjoy the company of a furry friend, while receiving free accommodation on your next vacation. Whether you’re looking to make some extra cash, or seeking ways to reduce housing costs, pet sitting is a rewarding job that I highly recommend. Pet sitting allows you to ...

How To Become a House Sitter & Get Free Accommodation
Learn how to become a house sitter in this complete guide. Can you imagine yourself spending a month in a Spanish vineyard, lazing by a pool for days on end? Or how about spending a few weeks with an adorable kitten in a comfortable New York apartment? I’m here to tell you that both ideas ...

10 Easy Ways to Get Free Accommodation Worldwide
Accommodation can take up a large section of your travel budget and sometimes it’s the biggest cost of your trip. Learn how to receive free accommodation with the tips in this article. Staying in cheap places can stretch your budget a little further, but when you need to pay for a roof over your head ...
10 Reasons Why House Sitting is The Ultimate Job
We’ve spent the last year traveling the world and house sitting in some amazing locations. Imagine spending the winter Down Under in Brisbane or Melbourne, exploring the lovely countryside in Oxfordshire England, or escaping winter on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. As you’ll read below, it’s easy to see why house sitting can become addictive. ...
How To Find a House Sitting Job & Get Hired Today
Today, everyone wants to find house sitting jobs or find a sitter for their house. House sitting is one of the best ways to enjoy free luxury accommodation all around the world, but finding a house sitting job definitely isn’t easy. We’ve personally found house sitting jobs on the beach in Grenada, near sugar plantations ...
How To Join Trusted House Sitters & Get Your First House Sitting Job
Trusted House Sitters is the #1 most used and trusted house sitting website online and we’ve personally used it to land amazing pet sitting jobs in Costa Rica, the UK, Grenada and Barbados. There are hundreds of new listings popping up every day and while you can view some of them, to see all of ...